This article only mentions Pinterest in passing, but it suggests a powerful point; We should be using social media to promote, share and teach STEM curriculum. When you search STEM on Pinterest, hundreds of pins appear, and quite a few of them are from Teachers Pay Teachers. Pinterest acts as a twitter(allowing you to follow) a bookmark (allowing you to save) and a search engine (allowing you to find exactly what you are looking for. These components are an educator's dream because it opens up so many opportunities to find good ideas.
This article also suggests that Pinterest acts as a tool to help promote the investigative learning of our students. Now that we are in a technological age, we can not continue to teach without the use of technological tools. Pinterest is a tool that allows teachers to accomplish much more in terms of finding good ideas and sharing them with other teachers.
Teach Your Children. (2014). International Journal of Metalcasting, 8(2), 5.