Text, twitter and tweet: This Time Im Pinning to Learn.: EBSCOhost
This is a short and sweet article that outlines a teacher's practical use of Pinterest to help her find more ideas for her classroom. Below is a quote which sums up what Pinterest is all about.
"The picture is a screenshot of some of the pins
on my drama and literacy board. I can also use the
link to follow the person who originally pinned the
link and then I can see all the other things they have
pinned onto education boards. One click leads to
another, one resource to another idea, one classroom
to another, and suddenly a picture of classes,
concepts and activities starts to emerge."
If Twitter and the Bookmarking tool got together and had a baby, it would be Pinterest. Because anyone with a Pinterest account has the ability to follow and be followed (like Twitter) it creates a lot of connections with people, which fosters this new hub for sharing ideas. The visual aspect of Pinterest also makes it so much more ascetically pleasing than Twitter. It is easy to see, just from the image and 140 character description, whether it is worth my time or not. Twitter and Google searches fail to connect everything with an image, and it takes one a lot longer to shuffle through to find exactly what one is looking for. Twitter and Google also do not allow you to save material in a way that is easy to come back to. The sorting capabilities of Pinterest is making every Type A personality person geek out. (These are the people with Pinboards solely devoted to organization.) This is why Pinterest is the new ultimate sharing tool of the internet.
McDermot, S. (2013). Text, twitter and tweet: This Time I'm Pinning to Learn. Practically Primary, 18(3), 36.
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